Square Above Ground Pools

Learn how to save on your Kayak square above ground pool today!

Kayak offers various ways to save on your square above ground pool. Find out how you can save today!

If you would like more information on our square above ground pools, let us know! We are more than happy to answer all of your questions.

Square above ground poolskayak pool parts

Features of Kayak’s square above ground pool

  • 25mm thick liner packed with UV inhibitors and fabricated with lap seams. Comes with a 30-year warranty!


  • Dual filtration system – constantly filtering allowing you and your family more play time and less cleaning time.


  • Railings are 36 inches high – providing protection for you and your family.


  • Lifetime Waterwalls – Rust-free, rot-free, and maintenance-free. Comes with a lifetime warranty!

What Our Customers Have To Say

Sandra B.

“Bought our Kayak in 1977. Moved it to our new house in 1989 new liner and a couple new water walls is all we needed. Sadly decided to tear it down and will probably scrap the metal this year because we will be spending time in Florida now that we are retired…. even now all it needs is a couple water walls and a new liner if moved again. Have been perfectly happy with the pool. Highly recommend this pool to anyone interested in buying one.”


Rob and Julie A.

square above ground pools

“Been a pleasure to have kayak pool since 2001! Going strong for 18 years!”


Steve and Patty S.

“We have had our Kayak pool for 31 years! Replaced liner and put in lifetime walls! It has been the best investment we have ever purchased! Our kids enjoyed it and now our grands are enjoying it a long with my husband and I! My only regret is we didn’t get a bigger one! If you are planning to buy a pool, I would say buy a kayak one…you WON’T regret it!!!”


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